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A series of pieces I wrote a couple of years ago which go by the name of Flat. They basically cover some rides I made into East Anglia in 2018 - a couple to Felixstowe, one to Cromer, one to Walsingham and one to Great Yarmouth.

It has been a bit of fun to write actually and something which I have been meaning to get around to doing for quite a long time, to do them trips justice so to speak, well, in my own particular way. In the process of doing all this I have had to channel a bit of Def Leppard into my system since they were probably my main source of material for music listening in the Prius when I was making those drives. Not exclusively of course, there were also the Red Hot Chilli Peppers for Walsingham and Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds for Great Yarmouth as well, plus assorted others including Forence + The Machine, but certainly the rump of tunes belonged to those Steel City rockers by way of their albums "High 'N' Dry", "Hysteria" and "Def Leppard". And no, please don't ask me why I got so much into them.

As for the heart of these pieces well I suppose that belongs to Norfolk Shrine and the mystical revelations exhaled within the environs of Walsingham, ancient pilgrimage destination and village of visions onto the wider universe.

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High & Dry In South Suffolk

High & Dry In South Suffolk

It was a trip I had been meaning to make for a while but just hadn't the chance, in fact it had taken me years to do it, dunno why, a straight through the heart of Essex ride into South Suffolk and th…

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Port of Felixstowe: Port of Britain

Port of Felixstowe: Port of Britain

After my drive through South Suffolk, with Def Leppard's highly dryly incredible High 'N' Dry blasting through the sound system of my trusty old Prius, I rolled up on the seafront in Felixstowe at aro…

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Blue sky day, wanted to hit the road, hit it big. Straight on up, due north and Norfolk bound, with a route something like M11, A14, A11, A1065. On Friday it was Essex, south Suffolk and then onto Fel…

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Return to Felixstowe

Return to Felixstowe

You know, all through the weekend I had been kicking myself over the fact I hadn't bought that copy of The Tantric Tradition by Agehananda Bharati, because I realised pretty much as soon as I was driv…

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Norfolk Shrine

Norfolk Shrine

Walsingham is a village in Norfolk where there are shrines to the Virgin Mary following a series of visions experienced by an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman in 1061. It was a major place of pilgrimage in the …

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Ridin' Out to Yar Yar

Ridin' Out to Yar Yar

Thought of going to Great Yarmouth, dunno why, someplace to go for a walk by the sea, somewhere different and another reason to take a ride into the big wide open of East Anglia. A few such journeys h…

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Yar Yar & Through the Badlands

Yar Yar & Through the Badlands

As I continued on my walk in towards the middle of town it soon became clear to me that as an old fishing port Great Yarmouth had certain exotic features to it which you might not find in your average…

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